#terapid art
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pandoraspocksao3 · 6 years ago
Wow, thank you for finding this and reblogging! It’s been over a year now for that one (started in 03/2017, finished in 07/2017, but made some changes and finished date reads 10/2017). 
But the artwork with the GIF effects added in blew me away, as well as how her skin seems to reflect the candlelight. @terapid is one amazing artist! It’s the piece I asked for. That was a BIG ask, as you can read above. He had to somehow get the half mask on him and still show his face plus all the other elements I wanted, so the art in this is really incredible.
The story is kind of a Space Harlequin, but I learned a lot and it’s what I had in my head at the time. You might like it; you might hate it. I basically merged the characters, and that was a challenge. I STILL get strong Phantom vibes from the films, especially The Last Jedi!
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When Rian posted on Twitter how big a Phantom of the Opera fan he was, I lost my shit! Everyone has their own take on this, but there are so many parallels to POTO (Phantom), it’s difficult not to see it. 
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Mine is set in Star Wars universe, but if you are looking for a historical romance setting AU, try Paper Faces on Parade by Dragon Whiskers; it’s lovely. (She is @belovedunderwing on Tumblr but doesn’t Tumble much.) 
As always, I encourage anyone who has never listened to the Broadway (Michael Crawford/Sarah Brightman) version of the soundtrack to do so. I listened to it all as a teenager before ever seeing it on stage, reading the book, or seeing the movie in 2004 (best version IMO). I never get tired of it. You can pick it apart, just like Star Wars, or just enjoy it for what it is and let the music just carry you away. It’s very powerful and sensual music. 
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It’s my one-year anniversary to starting to write fanfiction!
Granted, it’s not exactly Hemingway, but my goal last year was just to get my feet wet and to put together a story with a beginning, middle, and end, update once a week, and stay true to both the Star Wars Universe while doing a Phantom of the Opera crossover in which the characteristics Kylo shares with the Phantom are emphasized. It’s definitely 18+ and there is some graphic violence and sex. (Rey is not harmed.) I wrote it as darker Gothic piece, but I lightened up toward the end. 
People who like Phantom and Reylo both would be the best target audience (the “Pheylos”). Is it as good as other people’s fics I’ve recommended on here? I would say no. I’m extremely critical of my own work. When I look back on it, all I see are the things I would change! Some people left favorable comments though and liked it, so maybe I didn’t do a horrible job. How’s that for a ringing endorsement? 
This is definitely Dominant/Possessive!Kylo with Ben Solo and Reylo endgame, but he is a jerk in a few chapters. He’s a tad psycho, because I tried to merge the character of Phantom with Kylo, which wasn’t hard to do since they have so much in common! 
Dark Angel, originally called The Phantom’s Obsession, is a crossover of Phantom of the Opera and Star Wars that takes place in the Star Wars universe. The basic plot is simple:  
One year has passed since The Force Awakens. Rey is training with Luke when she is kidnapped by an obsessed Kylo Ren and taken to his secret lair in a cave on Dagobah to seduce her by physical and psychological means to the Dark Side.
The WONDERFUL artwork at the top was gifted to me by @terapid. This is another example of his stunning Reylo fanart. I love how the candelabras are MOVING in the piece and the light is reflected of their skin. Poor Terapid - I threw a bunch of vague ideas of what I wanted and I said it would be great if the picture could show they are in  a cave with candlelight, but I thought that was probably impossible…and he made them FLOAT which I thought was genius given Kylo could do that using the Force and it also has that Gothic overtone to it that I was striving for in writing it. He did a magnificent job! His artwork is just phenomenal. You can see his artwork HERE on his tumblr blog. 
Some people have asked me if he’s still taking commissions for fanfic art, and the truth is you’d have to ask him. I know he’s very busy with his regular job. But he’s very nice and easy to approach, so just PM him if that is something you are interested in. 
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klasikturkmuzigi · 4 years ago
Klasik Türk Müziği'nde 40 Makam ve Manası: Türk musikisi makamlarının insan üzerinde fiziki, psikolojik, duygusal etkileri olduğu yaklaşık bin yıldan beri düşünülmektedir. Makamların duygular, organlar, gezegenler, burçlar, dört element ve dört hılt ile ilişkileri, Farabi, İbn-i Sina, Ebu Bekir Râzi, Hasan Şuuri, Hekimbaşı Gevrekzade Hafız Hasan Efendi, Haşim Bey gibi alimler tarafından tasnif edilmiştir.Bu tasniflerden derlenen bilgilere göre müzik terapide kullanılan başlıca makamlar ve etkileri videodan görülebilir. 
Makamlar; belirli bir duyguyu, düşünceyi, anlamı simgeleyen, her biri ayrı karaktere, renge, özelliğe sahip müzik renkleridir. Aşkı bildiren ses yollarıdır.  
Makamlar 3'e ayrılır. 1- Garami Makamlar: Aşk makamlarıdır bunlar. Rast, Hüzzam, Hicaz, Hüseyni gibi.
2- Uhrevi Makamlar: Sonsuzluğu çağrıştıran, dini makamlardır. Segah, Saba, Mahür gibi. 
3- Tasviri Makamlar: Evreni ve iç dünyamızı gösteren makamlardır. Nihavend, Acemaşiran, Hicazkar gibi.  Usül: Aşka eşlik eden şevk yollarıdır. Ritmdir. Her usül bir iş yapış tarzına, bir yürüyüş şekline denk gelir.  Melodilerin içinde döküldüğü kalıplar gibidir.   Usülün temeli 2 farklı vuruştur. 1- Düm: Kuvvetli, tok bir ses vardır. Davulun tokmağının çıkardığı sestir.   2- Tek: Daha ince ses verir. Davulun ince çubuğunun çıkardığı sestir.  
Tasviri: 1- Acemaşiran: Yaşam Coşkusu.  "Bir Acem oldu Aşiran perdesinde nağme-saz. Bu makamı dinleyenler buldu gayetle ruh-nüvaz." | “Acem makamı Aşiran perdesinde nağmeler verdi. Bu Acemaşiran makamını dinleyenlerin ruhları ferahladı.“
2- Sultaniyegah: Gece Mutluluğu.  "Eyledik bezm-i tarabda fasl-ı Sultaniyegah Nazeninim hoşlanıp etti bize bir nim-nigah." | “Neşeli bir mecliste Sultaniyegah faslı yaptık. Bu makamdan birçok eser söyledik. O nazlı sevgilim de bu meşki pek beğendi. Bana şöyle göz ucuyla bakıp beğenisini gösterdi.“ 
3- Ferahfeza: Mutluluk Veren Lütuf. "Bu nigah-ı iltifatın aşkıka Ferahfeza. Gel diriğ etme nigah-ı lütfunu ey bi-vefa" | "Ey sevgili aşkına iltifat eden tebessüm eden bir bakışın onun rühunu açar. Ferahlık verir. Ey vefasız, gel de o lütuf bakışını benden esirgeme."
4- Şedaraban: Aşkla Güzelleşmek "Dinlese Şed-arabanı Araban'dan bir kez Terk ider mamelikin gayro Hicaz'a gitmez." | "İnsan Araplar'dan Şed-araban makamını bir dinlese. O Hicaz memleketini terk eder, daha da dönmez." 
5- Kürdilihicazkar: Yakıcı Hüzün "Dün geve fasl-ı Hicazkar'ı teganni eyledik. Doymadık, tekrarını dilden temenni eyledik." | "Dün gece Hicazkar faslını söyledik. Doymadık, bir daha söylemeyi istedik." 
6- Hicazkar: Aşkta Sebat  7- Nihavend: Aşk Sevinci "Neş'esi Rümi Nihavend'in gönülde ber-karar Meclis-i ehl-i tarabda bu makamın zevki var." | "Bu Nihavend makamının neşesi gönülde daima yaşar gider. Sevinçli insanların sohbetlerinde bu makamın zevki vardır."   
8- Neveser: Gönül Ferahlığı "Dinle canım zevkine bir Dilküşa'dır Nev-eser Hüsn-i te'siri gönüllerde uzun müddet gezer." | "Neveser makamı gönül açandır. Makamın güzel etkisi gönüllerde uzun süre kalır." 
9- Acemkürdi: Lütfedilen Mutluluk "Bezmimiz mutrib ile hayret-feza-yı bezm-i Cem Dinle ey şüh, Acemikürdi'dir işte bu nagam." | “Sazendeler geldi. Sohbet meclisimiz, aşk meclisimiz efsanevi Cem'in meclisi gibi hayretler veren bir güzelliğe kavuştu. Ey güzelim dinle, bize bu nağmeleri bahşeden Acemkürdi makamıdır." 
10- Muhayyer: Ayrılık Feryadı "Nideyim, ister darıl, ister barış ey gonca gül. Sen Muhayyer'sin, feragat eylemez senden gönül." | "Sevgili muhayyerdir, aşkına her şeyi yapabilir. Sevgili darılsa da, barışsa da elbette aşıkın şikayeti olamaz. O sevmeye devam edecektir. Çünkü hür olan sevgili, esir olan kendisidir."  11- Hisar: Sevgilinin Nazı "Mah-i tab olsun cihan, zevk eylesin üftadeler. Naz ile ey meh buyur, semt-i Hisar'ı kıl meker." | "Bütün dünya dolunayla ışısın, aşıklar zevk etsin. Ey ay yüzlü sevgilim, sen de gel Hisar semtine, orayı yer edin." 
12- Şehnaz: Sevgilinin Güzelliği "Lutfedip bezme gel, revnak ver efendim naz ile Mutrib agaz eyledikçe, nağme-i Şehnaz ile." | "Ey sevgili, lütuf et nazınla da olsa şu meclisimize bir güzellik kat. Çünkü bak, sazendeler Şehnaz makamından nağmeler çalıyorlar."
13- Ferahnak: Bahar Neşesi "Ol güzel cayi Feraknak istemiş üftadeden. O da bahsetmiş o şüha meclis-i amadeden." | "O güzel sevgilisinden ferah bir mekan istemiş. O da güzele kendisini bekleyen meclisten, baş başa kalacakları yerden bahsetmiş." 
Uhrevi: 14- Şevkefza: Hüzün İçinde Lütuf "Şerefza'dır efendim iltifatın aşıka. İhtiyacı aşıkın yok başka türlü saika." | "Ey sevgili efendim, şu aşıka iltifatın, lütfun elbette beni şevke getirir. Benim tek ihtiyacım da zaten bu şevktir."
15- Süzidil: Gönül Yangını "Yandı nağmenle cihan hep, yalınız bir ben değil. Ser-te-ser aşk ehline oldu nihayet Süz-i dil." | "Senin nağmenle sadece ben değil, bütün dünya yandı. Bu makam baştan başa bütün aşıkların gönlüne ateş düşürdü."  16- Çargah: Aşkta Yok Olmak "Bezi eder gah bir nigah-ı yare mal ü canını. İstemez üftade-i na-çar gah ihsanını." | "Çaresiz aşık, yeri gelir sevgilinin bir bakışı için malını, canını feda eder. Bazen de sevgilinin hiçbir ihsanını istemez." 
17- Dügah: Derdin İçindeki Derman "Ettiği çün aşk ile sübn u mesa feryad ü ah. Oldu ey çeşm-i gazalim perde-i ahım Dügah." | "Ey ceylan gözlüm! Sabah akşam aşk sebebiyle inlediği için, ahımın perdesi dügah makamına döndü."
18- Bestenigar: Sevgiliye Hasret "Kim olursa şevk ile beste nigarın zülfüne. Muntazır olsun heman va'd-i vuslatın hulfüne." | "Kim şevk ile sevgilinin zülfüne bağlanırsa kavuşma vaadinin gerçekleşemeyeceğini baştan bilsin." 
19- Süzidilara: Ateş Saçan Aşk "Mıtrıba, mecliste her bir nağme ateş-feşan. Aşık-ı bi-çareye Süz-i dilaradır heman." | "Ey saz çalan dostlar! Şu aşk meclisinde her bir nağme ateş saçıyor. Bunu dinleyen çaresiz aşık için bütün o nağmeler gönlü süsleyen ateşlerdir." 
20- Rast: Sevincin Zirvesi "Kavli de kaddi gibi rast olsa ger ol mehveşin. Hiç bükülmezdi beli üftade-i hasretkeşin." | "O güzel sevgilinin boyu gibi sözü de rast olsaydı, yani düzgün olsaydı şu hasret çeken aşıkın beli böyle bükülmezdi."
21- Mahir: Sevincin Zirvesi "Her ne dem ol işvebazın nağmesi Mahür olur. Sabr u takat aşık-ı mihnetkeşandan dür olur." | "Ne zaman o cilveli sevgilinin nağmesi Mahür olur, dikçe olur, sıkıntılar çeken o aşıkın sabır ve kuvveti kalmaz."
22- Acem: Ruh Yüceliği "Zülfünü tasvir içün gelseydi Behzad'ı Acem. Aczile titrerdi destinde görünce kıl kalem." | "Ey sevgilim, sen o kadar güzelsin ki senin zülfünü İranlı efsanevi ressam Behzad çizmeye çalışsaydı, o güzelliğini görür görmez elindeki ince kalemi titremeye başlardı."
23- Isfahan: Aşka Feda Olmak "İttifaka seyreden ol mehveşi derdi heman. Sürme-i çeşm-i siyahına fedadır Isfahan." | "O ay gibi güzeli seyredenlerin hepsi şöyle derlerdi: Onun siyah gözlerinin sürmesine Isfahan şehri feda edilir." 
24- Büselik: Aşk Sırlarını Açmak "Büselik ile ol mehr çıtlasa mıtrıb razını. Arttırır gittikçe bezm-i meyde ol şeh nazını." | "Saz çalan, sırrını Büselik makamıyla o sevgiliye çıtlatsa, şarap meclisinde o güzel nazını giderek arttırır." 
25- Hicaz: Aşktan Yanmak "Gerçipek esmer olur ruhsar-ı mahlüb-i Hicaz. Nağmesin güş eyleyince yanmayan gayetle az." | "Hicaz güzelinin yüzü gerçi pek esmerce olur, ama onun nağmesini duyup da yanmamak elde değildir."  
26- Segah: Sonsuzluğa Çağrı "Verse ol meh bende-i gamharına bir büse gah. Perde-i ahım benim olmazdı böyle bir Segah." | "Eğer o güzel şu gam yiyen, kederli aşıkına bir büse verseydi, benim de ah çektiğim perde böyle Segah olmazdı." 
27- Müstear: Dünyaya Susmak, Ötelere Konuşmak "Kimden ahz ettin, ne olsun böyle bigane eda. Öyle tavr-ı Müstear ey şüh layık mı sana." | "Sen bu umursamaz tavrı kimden aldın? Ey güzel, böyle beni görmezden gelen tavrın hiç sana yakışıyor mu?" 
28- Saba: Sonsuzluk Esintisi "Gayri sen de ol biraz bülbül-i gönlüm hamüş. Vasfını ol goncanın bad-ı Saba'dan eyle güş." | "Ey gönül bülbülüm sen de gel biraz sus. Çünkü o güzel gonca gibi olan sevgiliyi bak Saba rüzgarı zaten övüyor. Sus da onun söylediklerine kulak ver biraz."
29- Eviç: Yücelik "Ol hüma-pervaze evc-i vahşet olmuşken mekan. Dinlese saz-ı dili agüşum eyler aşiyan." | "O Hüma gibi uçan sevgiliye yaban dünyasının zirvesi mekan olmuştur. Ama o gönlümün sazını bir dinlese hemen gelir kucağımı yuva yapardı."
30- Yegah: Aşk Suskunluğu "Cevr-i pey-der-pey ile şimdi, aşık-ı zarın sesi. Çıkmaz oldu, akıbet indi Yegah'e perdesi." | "Aşığın inleyen sesi (sevgilinin) art arda gelen zulmü ile artık çıkmaz oldu, sonunda perdesi yegah makamına indi." 
31- Nikriz: Aşkın Verdiği Cesaret "Halka-i meclisde Nikriz eylesse ol meh heman. Sabr u samanın olur benden girizan nagehan." | "O ay yüzlü güzel mecliste hemen Nikriz makamından bir şeyler okusa, birden sabır ve kudret benden uzaklaşır."
32- Suzinak: Aşkın Verdiği Cesaret "Nağme-i hünyagerle oldu sabrım çak-çak. Güş edince yandı tekraren bu cism-i Süzinak." | "Kanlar akıtan nağme ile sabrım paramparça oldu. O nağmeyi bir daha işitince zaten yakıcı olan, yanmakta olan cismim yeniden yandı."
33- Neva: Sevgiliye Çağrı "Meclise gel, ben zarı bekletme aman ey gonca leb. Vasf-ı hüsnündür Neva'yı mürg-i dil her zer rüz ü şeb." | "Ey gonca dudaklı sevgilim, şu üzgün sevgilini bekletme yanımıza gel. Her gece gündüz gönül kuşumun nevası, sesi senin güzelliğini anlatmakta." 
34- Uşşak: Aşkın Verdiği Şevk "Sanma Uşşak'ın bu heman bende-i azadedir. Ariz-i gülgununa zülfün dahi dildadedir." | "Senin aşıkların sanma ki azaad edilmiş kullarındır, onlar daima senin kölendir. O al al yüzüne sen de vak gör ki, kendi zülfün, saç perçemin bile o yanağa aşık olmuş. Çünkü o gül renkli yanağının üzerine düşmüş, hiç oradan ayrılmıyor." 
35- Beyati: Aşkın Verdiği Şevk  "Mutriba sevdasını halkın, Beyati tazeler. Ateş-i aşkı devam-ı şevk ile yelpazeler." | "Ey sazende! Halkın sevdasını beyati makamı tazeler. Aşkın ateşini arzunun devamı ile yelpazeler.” 
36- Karcığar: Mutluluğu Arayış "Bir sada-yi dil-nüvaz ile okunsa Karcığar Kalbine gam-didenin elbet meserretler yağar." | "Hakkı verilse, Karcığar nağmesini işiten kişinin ağlayan gözlerine sevinçler dolar." 
37- Hüseyni: Aşk Ağıtı  "Pestten eyler niyazı, saydı çün ol dilberi. Dil bulup ruhsat, Hüseyni'ye çıkardı işleri." | "O dilbere saygı gösterdiği için yalvarıp yakarmasını pes sesinden dile getirir. Gönülden izin alıp söylemek istediklerini hüseyni makamına çıkardı."  38- Gerdaniye: Aşk Çilesinden Şikayet "Perde-i pestten nezaketle o meh çok iş yapar. Fasl-ı Gerdaniye'de uşşak-i zare dik çıkar." | "O sevgili ne oyunlar oynuyor! Alttan alıyormuş gibi bana çok işler yapıyor. Gerdaniye makamına geldiğinde ise gözü yaşlı aşıklarına sert çıkıyor." 
39- Hisarbüselik: Tatlı Buseler "Sevdiğimden dün Hisar'da Püselik etdim reca . Döndü va'dinden o dilder etmedi ahde vefa." | "Dün Hisar'da sevgilimden bir öpücük istedim. Sevgilim önce söz verdi, ama sözünde durmadı, beni öpmedi."  
40- Hüzzam: Parlak Hüzün "Sazın al ağuşa mızrabın ile del sinemi. Nağme-i Hüzzam ile def eyle gönlümden gamı." | "Ey sevgili! Sazını kucağına al, mızrabın ile sinemi del. Hüzzam'ın o yakıcı nağmeleriyle gönlümdeki gamı, kederi kov gitsin."
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angstywriterangst · 5 years ago
Does anyone happen to have a copy of the fic Lies and Lightsabers by terapid? Years ago I think it was I started reading it, but never finished. I was reminded about it after lookimg through @pandacapuccino 's gorgeous art, but when I went to ao3, it appearas the author took it down and deleted their tumblr 😔 It was a fic I really enjoyed and it makes me sad I may never get to finish it and find out what happens 😭
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corin77-blog · 5 years ago
Wrote this the Friday I watched TROS:
Hello guys! I just got back from watching the movie about an hour ago and I am completely heartbroken. When Rey and Kylo kissed I was so happy and almost screaming in the theater but when he died I just went numb. It’s going to take me a while to accept his fate but he still will always be my favorite Star Wars character and my space prince. The only thing I’m telling myself is I’ve always routed for him since TFA and always wanted him happy. When I saw him smile to see the love of his life alive and knowing she loved him back melted my heart. Ben was redeemed! And saved the women he loved through his ultimate sacrifice. Overall what made this movie great was Reylo, the ship that all started after a space prince aligned with the First Order encountered a scavenger and little did they know would fall madly in love with eachother. I’ll never forget the bridal carry scene, the interrogation scene, the hand touching scene, the elevator scene, even Kylo shirtless scene. This is what created depth for this ship that reylos analyzed and predicted reylo being canon. I actually became a fan from you fellow Reylos theorizing, making fanfics, making memes, making fan art, or just discussing the love we have for these two characters. This started on the reylo forum and I would for hours look through everyone’s post and was fancinated with the potential these characters had. That’s what brought me here, Tumblr where I met the best community of Star Wars fans. We were told we were crazy and we were seeing things that weren’t there. But look at us despite everything that happened we were never wrong and what we said would happen happened. Ben did get redeemed and Reylo did happen. You guys made my experience with the sequel trilogy amazing and I’m blessed to be a part of this fandom. I just want to say @pandacapuccino and @elithien you both made incredible reylo artwork that literally enriched this fandom. @pandacapuccino I also found a lot of fanfics from incredible writers that you did commissions for. I also want to say thank you @perrydowning for creating incredible reylo fanfics I will never forget. Thwarted seriously was my destressor from my intense school work when I was in High School. He Knows He Needs To Stop was just a beautiful story from beginning to finish as well. I also wanted to thank dustoftheancients for creating “A Collision of Stars” which is still one of my favorite reylo fanfics. Additionally, “What The Hell is Wrong With Kylo Ren?” by Tuli_Azzameen was well written and made me laugh more than any reylo fanfic I read. I wish I could list them all but the last one I would like to mention is Lies and Lightsabers by Terapid. My gosh was this fanfic well done and made me want reylo to have children so bad 😭. Additionally, shout out to my favorite video editors on YouTube for Reylo @iiamendless , Alexa Lexi, DannyVids, kenobisbens, and ohmystars. I also wanted to say a special thanks to @gwendy85 @these-are-the-first-steps @theboywhocan11 @starwarsnonsense your guy’s theorizing and quality content kept this fandom community so engaged. @gwendy85 your art that you made of Ben to match Rey’s Issue 4 TFA comic adaptation was the essential piece in the album cover for my reylo playlist on Spotify. This motivated me to expand the playlist to where it is today. I grew a passion for creating a playlist for these two individuals but it wasn’t formed without all the love and support from the Reylo community. This fandom even helped me find a newfound passion in photo editing and to get sims 4 to create Rey and Kylo edits. It almost brings me to tears thinking how much this fandom has impacted me over the years and I’m sure you all feel the same. Even with the trilogy over, I’ll still be here and more active like I used to. I’m actually working on the Reylo playlists to help me feel a little better about the ending and waiting for the new reylo fanfics to be made. Love you Reylo fam! And if you have any song requests or reylo sim edits you want me to make in the future let me know! -Sierra
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colliderofhadron · 6 years ago
Something to take your mind off the EPIX leaks minefield..
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Read ‘The Force Arranges A Marriage’ by @terapid
This is a well-written, hilariously smutty romp featuring lots of bad behavior and inappropriate use of the force, as well as possibly spawning the excellently bizarre GingerBuns ship.
I’ve just reread it and I’m glad I did - I’d forgotten how funny it was. Just make sure you’re not drinking a hot beverage when you read it, or you might end up spilling it everywhere... 
Reylo. To end the war in Episode IX, Kylo and Rey are forced to marry. They've been enemies so long; their repressed attraction and feelings are ready to burst at the seams. The galaxy is getting carved in two, First Order gets it done! PWP. I have to get this out of my system!!
Art by the ever-fabulous @pandacapuccino for the ‘Force Arranges a Honeymoon’ sequel
@thereylowritingden @reylofic
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nihterne · 7 years ago
Get to Know Me!
I was tagged by @queenofreylo01 Thanks for tagging me!
Rules: Anwser these questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better.
Nickname: Vanny, Nessa, Rooney, Vanilla, among others.
Gender: Female
Star sign: Leo
Height: 4′11 (LOL)
Time: 10:00 PM
Birthday: August 13
Favourite bands: Crywolf, Kye Kye, EDEN, Dawn Golden, Koda, Pvris, A Winged Victory for the Sullen
Favourite solo artists: Olafur Arnalds, Loreena McKennitt, Lord Huron, Jami Sieber
Song stuck in my head: I Already See It by Kye Kye
Last movie I watched: The Last Jedi (last night)
Last show I watched: The Ancient Magus’ Bride
When I created this blog: Early last year, I think. I wasn’t as active as I am now.
What I post: My art, Reylo stuff, other’s art, tutorials, as well as Ancient Magus’ Bride things.
Last thing I googled: Adam Driver’s face. For artistic purposes, of course..
Do I get asks? Occasionally! I’d always accept more, I am annoyingly open about most things.
Why did I choose my URL? I started off as Blackbirdhaggard, because I like alliterations and interesting adjectives, but the name was too long for most website usernames, so I changed it to Nihterne (I pronounce it as Nye-Turn) because I needed something across multiple platforms that wasn’t taken. It is an Old English word that means “for a night” which is poetic, I think :)
Following blogs: 378
Followers: 1,291 ... nice 
Favourite colours: dark blues, greys, black, deep red, forest green, and gold.
Average hours of sleep: Maybe 5-7 hours typically
Lucky number: 813
Instruments: I used to play the violin as a child.
What I am wearing: PJs! Unless I am in public, it is always safe to assume I am in pajamas.
How many blankets I sleep with: Two blankets and about three/four pillows to fit me on my tiny twin bed. I make it work.
Dream job: I think it’d be interesting to be a graphic novelist, or an illustrator for books (children’s or otherwise) My biggest inspiration growing up was Brett Helquist who illustrated Lemony Snicket’s popular series. 
Dream trip: Ireland, Scotland, Japan, Canada, pretty much anywhere outside of USA. Can’t say I’d want to come back.
Favourite food: That’s a loaded question which I refuse to answer because it is frankly impossible to narrow down for me.
Nationality: From the USA. 
Favourite song right now: It will probably be Windswept by Crywolf, because wow, I can’t always feel emotions on a daily basis, but when I hear that song I feel like I’ve lost the most tragic love ever known to mankind.
Languages I speak: English. I know a handful of German words from High School, but never was able to form a sentence.
I tag: (I can’t think of 20 blogs)  @matt-i-guess @julianna-jottings @nerdalicos @terapid @straightouttajakku12 @quietdreamcatcher @roselinath and anyone else who wants to join is absolutely welcome.
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reyloshortstorycollection · 7 years ago
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–The Reylo Short Story Collection– vol. 1, iss. 2 : The Choice “Fallen Idols”
Story: @terapid
Art: @dustoftheancients
See the rest of the art and read what happens next by flipping to page 327 in the issue located >here<.
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psikologrehber · 5 years ago
Psikologların Kullandığı Terapi Yöntemleri
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Psikoterapi kültürünün gelişmekte olduğu ülkelerde insanların en çok merak ettiği konuların başında “psikologların ruhsal sorunları konuşarak nasıl tedavi edebildikleri” sorusu gelir.
Psikoanalitik terapi
1856’da Avusturya Viyana doğumlu Sigmund Freud tarafından temelleri atılan psikanaliz, günümüzde destekleyen, kısmen destekleyen, reddeden ekoller bulunmakla birlikte temel kavramları halen birçok çağdaş uygulamaya öncü olmaktadır. Freud’un psikanalitik sistemi, bir kişilik gelişimi modeli ve bir psikoterapi yöntemidir. Davranış temelinde yatan psikodinamik faktörlere açıklamalar getirmiş, bilinçaltının önemine vurgu yapmıştır. Bu ekol temelde bir psikoterapi metodu sunmakla birlikte, insanın her durum ve koşulda anlaşılabilmesine ön ayak olmuştur. Psikoanalitik yaklaşım, danışanların zihinsel süreçlerinin, bilinç dışı unsurları ile bağlantılarını ortaya çıkarmaya çalışır. Çalışma alanı genellikle bilinç dışı süreçler ve çocukluk çağı kayıtlarıdır. Psikanaliz diye de adlandırılan bu yaklaşımda, haftada en az iki kez olmak üzere 45 dakika seans gerçekleştirilir. Seanslarda danışandan tüm zihninden geçenleri, bir sınırlama, sansürleme ve gizleme olmadan “serbest çağrışım” şeklinde anlatması beklenir. Bu çağrışımlar psikanalitik çalışmanın malzemesidir. Psikanalist ve danışan, bu çağrışımlarda ortaya çıkanlar üzerine beraberce çalışırlar.
Davranışçı terapi
Problemin kaynağının öğrenme ve modelleme sonucunda ortaya çıktığını, kullanılan çeşitli tekniklerle (sistematik duyarsızlaştırma, ödüllendirme, yoksun bırakma v.b.) bu problemin değiştirileceğini savunur. Fobilerin tedavisinde en çok kullanılan yöntemdir.
Bilişsel terapi
Problemin kaynağının yanlış düşünce, inanç ve hatalı şemalardan kaynaklandığını, bu yanlış düşünce, inanç ve şemaların değiştirilmesi ile duygu ve davranışların da değişeceği tezinden hareket eden bir terapi yöntemidir.
Hipnozun ve hipnotik tekniklerin kullanıldığı terapi yöntemidir. Hipnoz yoluyla tedavi yapanlara hipnoterapist ya da hipnolog denilmektedir. Hipnoterapistler özellikle psikoloji ve tıp alanında uzman kişilerdir.
Emdr terapisi
Göz hareketleri ile bilginin yeniden işlenmesi ve travmanın duyarsızlaştırılması teorisinden hareket eden ve daha çok “travma sonrası stres bozukluklarında” kullanılan etkili bir terapi yöntemidir. EMDR’nin gelişimi 1987 senesinde, Dr. Francine Shapiro’nun göz hareketlerinin rahatsız edici düşüncelerin şiddetini azaltabildiğini tesadüfen keşfetmesiyle başladı. Dr. Shapiro bu etkiyi travmaya maruz kalmış kişiler üzerinde bilimsel olarak inceledi ve tedavide sağlanan başarıyı gösteren çalışmasını yayınladı.
Varoluşçu terapi
İnsan iradesinin önemini vurgulayan ve kişinin aldığı kararların yaşamını değiştirebileceği (kişi kendi kaderini yazar) felsefesi ile hareket eden, "burada ve şimdi" (anı yaşamak) kavramları üzerinde odaklanan bir terapi yaklaşımıdır. Varoluşcu terapide terapistin görevi, bireye bu kararları almada rehberlik etmektir.
Oyun terapisi
Çocuklarla çalışırken kullanılan ve çocuk ruh dünyasının, oyun üzerinden düzenlenmesini amaçlayan terapi yöntemidir.
Aile terapisi
Terapi sürecine anne, baba, çocuk, eş gibi aile fertlerinin de dahil olduğu bir terapi sürecidir.
Art (Sanat) terapi
Çeşitli teknikler (yazı, müzik, resim, drama) kullanarak danışanın duygu ve düşüncelerini açığa çıkarmayı ve yine bu tekniklerden faydalanarak sağaltımı amaçlayan terapi yöntemidir.
Eklektik (Bütüncül) psikoterapi
Çok sayıdaki psikoterapi yaklaşımını bir potada eriten veya danışanın ihtiyacı doğrultusunda kişiye özgün olarak seçilen tekniğin uygulandığı psikoterapi yöntemidir. Read the full article
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pandoraspocksao3 · 7 years ago
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Fan art above and below by @terapid . Please do not repost the fan art without permission. (Reblogging this post is fine and would be appreciated!)
Fan art commission for Dreaming Against the Stars
I am so excited to share this amazing fan art drawn by @terapid commissioned by me for my good friend, @belovedunderwing, otherwise known as DragonWhiskers, on Archive of our Own. This surpassed all my expectations! I love how his eyes are flickering here! The concept of the scene was from DragonWhiskers, who said she really wanted to capture the orange glowing eyes of Kylo from her (very steamy) collection of Reylo erotica, Dreaming Against The Stars. 
This is a really fun fic that is a work in progress where Rey has a series of increasingly sensual dreams about Kylo and doesn’t want them to stop! This is an explicit 18+ fic. I remember how much fun we (her readers) had interacting in the comments! One reader commented she was “so there” for “Kylo ‘Sith Eyes’ Ren!”
DragonWhiskers is an amazing writer and supportive friend. I’ve read everything she has written! (So can you - click HERE). She was certainly there for me when I decided to try my hand at writing and has always encouraged me to have fun with it! I am so lucky to count her among my friends. 
And @terapid …
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Your artwork, as with your fiction, continues to blow me away! This is so fantastically detailed and alive! Thank you for doing this commission! I love the passion between Kylo and Rey in the first picture and then the sort of dangerous glint in his glowing “Sith Eyes” here! It goes so well with the background of falling embers like the scene in The Last Jedi! What an incredible work of art! You have such talent, my dear friend! 
You can see more of Terapid’s fan art HERE ! If you’ve seen the beautiful Phantom art background on my page, that is his work too! He’s just a phenomenal talent, both as an artist and as an author. I’ve read every single story he’s ever done on AO3 as well, and they are all fantastic! I highly encourage people to read his work! You can link to his AO3 stories HERE. 
I am such a fan of you both! You are both such a blessing to the Reylo fandom and in my life!
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auroralynne · 8 years ago
I was tagged, by @sourlander
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… And most importantly, have fun!
a - age: 25 b - biggest fear: not living up to my own expectations (and grasshoppers) c - current time:  19:59 d - drink you last had: Guaraná energy drink (I love it!!) e - every day starts with: Checking stuff on my phone f - favorite song: A Better Son/Daughter by Rilo Kiley (this song is a masterpiece) g - ghosts, are they real: I guess? h - hometown: A small town in Bahia, Brazil. Currently living in Salvador! i - in love with: Drawing j - jealous of: people without art blocks k - killed someone: Nope m - middle name: Lima (but it’s actually a ‘first last name’) n - number of siblings: 3 o - one wish: Being a known illustrator and showcasing Brazilian Mythology to the world p - person you last called/texted: my sister’s bf q - questions you’re always asked: ‘You’re twins?’ (with my twin sister, obvs) r - reasons to smile: Cats, dogs, art, friends, books, good food (specially sweets), family :) s - song last sang: Hot Patootie (from Rocky Horror Picture Show) t - time you woke up: 12pm (damn, I need a better sleep routine) u - underwear color:  black  v - vacation destination: Chapada Diamantina! With a great friend to top it all! w - worst habit: Not drinking enough water x - x-rays you’ve had: teeth y - your favorite food: Pizza, cheesecake, brigadeiro, codfish au gratin with cauliflower, spaghetti bolognaise, cotton candy z - zodiac sign: Sagittarius
I tag… everyone who wants to join! But also @panda-capuccino @saintoswald @accio-hogwarts-a-history @grlie-girl @pudim-pudim-pudim @aekaskey @betelxeuse @terapid 
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thedarkside-and-thelight · 8 years ago
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@terapid tagged me -- this is my lock screen (art by @elithien) and my home screen (art by @winterofherdiscontent) 
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lueminous · 7 years ago
If it was some person I have nothing to do with i wouldn't have cared. I honestly do not give a fuck what some nameless person on the internet says about me to their friends. We all talk about shit we don't like in private but someone out there leaking private chat logs especially since terapid and Cora are both grownass ppl in their 30s whereas the person driven off Tumblr was a minor. It's really fucking extra to make a chat solely to talk shit about someone's fic but again it happened in private more or less and nobody would have known if someone hadn't made a public post about it. Someone who has a history of mocking someone's art in their own story on ao3. And now I'm supposed to believe this is about them wanting to protect fanfic writers? Yeah no.
That annoying datingkyloren Tumblr is out there using private chat logs as receipts because someone doesn’t like his girlfriend’s fanfics. What an embarrassment
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reyloshortstorycollection · 7 years ago
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–The Reylo Short Story Collection– vol. 1, iss. 2 : The Choice “When the Sun Shines More Years than Fear”
Story: @tehanufromearthsea
Art: @terapid
See the rest of the art and read what happens next by flipping to page 227 in the issue located >here<.
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pandoraspocksao3 · 7 years ago
What are you reading this week? 03/18/2018
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So, you know how Netflix has that thing where they recommend movies based on what you last watched? How cool would it be able to do that for fanfiction? In the spirit of that idea, I'm doing my fic recommendations for this week as:
Pandora's Picks!
Your mood:                                              ��    
What a shit day. I need hugs/cuddles, some action, but mostly romance!
PP recommends:              
Reign by Optimistic Beth @optimisticsprinkles​ - *WIP.  Fluffy romance, slow burn, arranged marriage, spunky Rey, enemies to lovers, great original characters! Intriguing original plot devices. Great writing style, easy and fun to read.
Thwarted by Perry Downing @perrydowning​  - *Complete. Slow burn, lots of feels, humor,  and a cat! Fantastic original characters you really care about. If you want less action and more of just Kylo and Rey's love story, this one focuses on exactly that!  There is also sumptuous descriptions of the surroundings and minutiae that really make you feel you are in the fiction yourself. And this is an author who delivers big time on “the feels,” so have tissues for when they creep up on you! The girl in a gilded cage and the man who doesn't understand why it's not enough. (Her latest, Unbidden, *WIP, is also fantastic!)
 A Gift for the Emperor by LastMouseLeft - *WIP. Slow burn, Rey is captured and presented to the Emperor, but is a little too docile to be believed. What is really going on? This has a dreamlike quality to storytelling I really love. Original characters, beautiful details of settings and costumes. She has two other fics that are also very good, so check under her profile to explore!
Your mood:
I want some Reylo sex and I don't want to wait 10 chapters for it! My devices are charged, and I'm not talking about my phone!
PP recommends:
Dreaming Against the Stars by DragonWhiskers *WIP. Nothing "slow burn" about this! Fantasies spurred by reader prompts and author's vivid imagination, this one is pure erotica!  
 Wanton Lullabies by CoraRiley. *WIP.  Reylo fantasies that are explicit and fun! This smut was so enjoyable it became a spinoff, Lascivious Weapons, also by the author, who wrote about Rey as a courtesan brought to the First Order who is quickly discovered by Kylo!
Hypothermia by LucidLucy @lucidlucy. *WIP. Kylo Ren and his wicked, wicked ways....oohh-la-la! Seriously, if you need a booster shot of sexy, read Chapter 2 (which is a long chapter) and see if you aren’t swooning at the end of it! This is HOT! This author has been on my “to read” list for a long time, and I’m finally getting some of hers started! 
Your mood:
I need to laugh. I need something so funny I pee, but I also want smokin' hot sex. Does this fic even exist?
PP recommends:
The Force Arranges A Marriage and The Force Arranges a Honeymoon, both by Terapid @terapid​. *Complete. This is, bar none, the FUNNIEST and sexiest thing I've read in AO3! It is explicit with graphic sexual content, but Rey and Kylo have a lot of steamy sex amid dueling each other, and there are other unconventional couples you will gasp at. (I don't want to include spoilers!) 
Seriously, I have never laughed so damn hard I have had to put the fic down and wipe the tears off my cheeks! This is a satire that pokes good-natured fun of the Reylo Fandom, the author himself, and Star Wars in general with hilarious results! It's over-the-top hilarity and also scorching hot sex. I didn't even know that could be done, but somehow the author manages it!
Your mood:
I'm burnt out a bit Star Wars stuff, but I still want that Reylo dynamic in a different setting.
PP recommends:
Stranger than Fiction by Daxcat79 @wheresthefuckingexit79​. *Almost complete! This is one of my favorites at the moment. Ben Solo is an author in England writing about Kylo Ren, but his publisher, Hux, insists the character needs a girlfriend. Ben meets Rey and pays her to hang out with him (not for sex), and from then on, art imitates life as Ben's world expands. This is REALLY FUNNY, but there are also deeper themes as the plot deepens. If you have a dysfunctional family like Ben does, you might even recognize things about your family or yourself (as I did), and it becomes something very relatable. Longer fic review to follow on just this story because of its awesomeness.
The Escort by Grliegrl @grlie-girl​. *Complete. Amazing crossover fic that crosses Pretty Woman with Reylo. It is FUNNY and also has some great action and fabulous detailed settings in Chicago. Rey is spunky and independent and Kylo is the billionaire who finds himself swept away by the escort he hired. (I did a whole post about this you can search for under Pandora's Review or "The Escort" with details.)
Across Alternate Universes by INTPSyltherin_reylove97. *WIP.   Summary: Somehow two Ben Solos from different universes switch places, leaving their Reys to figure out how to handle a Ben vastly different than their own—not to mention the finicky thing called a force bond. So, TWO sets of Reylo couples here! I just started it and I love it! I came across this randomly. I don’t know who this is on Tumblr. 
Your mood:
Enough with the rom-coms; I want a thriller/horror story. Scare me!!!
PP recommends:
Praxis by CoraRiley @corariley​. *Almost completed! This is about serial killer Kylo Ren, and there is no Ben Solo to be found! Rey is kidnapped by a creepy yet sexy Kylo who has already abducted and killed several women. Can she escape him? Explicit sexual content - not for underage readers or readers who are not okay with violence and sex. This is Dark Kylo Ren...expect twists, surprises, kinky sex, and plenty of suspense!
Your mood:
I'm ready for some Gothic horror or vampire stories with Reylo in them.
PP recommends:
Sanctuary by Terapid @terapid​ *WIP.  This is one of my absolute favorites in the Archive. I lost my mind when I read the setup for it, an old Catholic boarding school of Gothic design. Professor Solo and student Rey are the main characters (Rey is not underage). Leia is headmistress, and...the rest of the cast is in it, but I won't spoil the plot by saying what their roles are. I was fascinated by this. Angels and demons and the occult figure in heavily, and this author is a master of suspense and action sequences, not to mention smut when called for! An interesting tidbit is that I would see a long black feather in my backyard usually the day before it updated. In fact, a few things turned up in a chapter once that were items I had that the author couldn't have known about and it freaked me out to the point that I wondered if the fic was "haunting" me a bit! True story!
Vampire's Kiss by DragonWhiskers @belovedunderwing​. *Complete.  An eerie Gothic read about Rey finding a Victorian mansion that she takes refuge in that is owned by Vampire Kylo Ren.
Witch's Moon by DragonWhiskers @belovedunderwing​. *Complete. Kylo is a witch hunter who is sent by Snoke to investigate Rey. This is also one of my favorites. I'm very partial to this author, so I've read everything she's written!
Your Mood:
I just saw The Last Jedi again and I need a great post TLJ fic to read!
PP recommends:
Songs of Innocence, Songs of Wisdom by Cosmogonika @cosmo-gonika​. *WIP. I just found this story and had the honor of doing a beta on a chapter for it, so I got to chat with author for quite a bit and I love where this is going! The title caught my eye because I'm a poetry buff and I recognized William Blake's words immediately. I haven't read all of it, but this fiction explores the dichotomies between Rey and Kylo, just as the poem suggests (poem can be viewed on the first page). It delves deep into the psyches of Rey and Kylo and has a good rhythm and pace, with a good plot and a lot of description.
Your Mood:
Meh, I'm so sick of conventional couples. How about polyamory?
PP recommends:
Codega, by Juulna @juuls​. *Complete. This is another one that you should be able to do a search on in Tumblr by title and find my long review on this. This is a Reylux fiction that was recommended to me by Terapid, one of my favorite authors, and even though I didn't think I'd enjoy a pairing with Rey, Kylo, and Hux, he told me to give it a chance, and I really did like it! It's a slow burn and tasteful. The writing is so beautiful! There are lots of descriptive details about the setting and food and wine, and her action sequences with lightsaber training were fantastic.
Three’s Company by LucidLucy @lucidlucy. *Complete. Summary:  Three might be a crowd elsewhere... but not here.  A collection of unconnected Reylux (Kylo Ren / Rey / Hux) stories, some in-verse and some AU. I haven’t read this one, but I’ve read other’s by her and she’s a sublime writer, so I’m sure this will meet expectations!
Your mood:
I really need some interrogation chair crack fics...
PP recommends:
Admissions by Miss Harper @missharpersworld. *Complete. This is a short, sexy one-shot that packs all the fun you’re looking for in the “interrogation room” scene! 
Forces Intertwined by Marla_Singer21 @marlasinger21 . *WIP. This is an excellent writer who started at the interrogation room scene and worked her way forward from there. It’s one of the first fics I found initially when I got on AO3 and it remains a very sexy and well written Reylo fic!
I could go on for pages and pages, but I think this is long enough for this week! I try to keep alternating and adding in new authors, although I'm repeating myself a lot on this one. I'm trying to expand my reading and author list currently. Part of the reason I chose these is because I'm so familiar with them.  I don't get as much time to read as I would like and I have a lot of fics going at once, probably like a lot of you!
There are a lot of recommendation lists going on that I'm making sure to reblog as well, because I do think people find fiction a lot that way. I used to just do arbitrary searches on AO3 and found some great ones. A lot don't have the kudos they deserve, so they deserve our support. And I also feel the authors who do have a lot of kudos deserve reblogging, too, because they spend a lot of time honing their craft and working on providing us with free entertainment!
Don't forget to leave kudo and a comment - even just a short one - for the author to show your appreciation. You won't believe how much even a short comment can make someone's day! And feel free to reblog this and add your own story or stories you like if you want! If you are a fic writer and you have a story no one seems to have found, I want you to reblog and tell people about it! Get it out there and circulating so people can find it. 
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pandoraspocksao3 · 6 years ago
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Art credit: Andrea Manica 
This is so ME today! 
I have a list of things to do, but I just want to stay in bed and recover from this week! Finishing my chapter is one of them, but I made the mistake of starting to catch up on stories in the Archive I’m reading, and then I do the whole self-doubt, “my writing sucks compared to this,” “no one is going to like it,” “how did I end up writing about horses when I know nothing about horses for this chapter?” and so on. 
So, reading is on hold until I can wrap this one up and post (not that all that many people are interested, but this is to hold myself accountable to myself and others). 
And I want to thank the wonderful @star-horse for her offer of help and chats on horse racing and offer to beta the chapter beforehand on that section to make sure I don’t write something so far-fetched I can’t undo it. She’s been wonderfully available and patient while I keep saying, “this weekend I’m getting it done.” 
And I want to apologize to people who have commented on my story and whose stories I’m reading but have not been able to comment or read the past two weeks because of the above anxiety I get because you are all SO DAMN GOOD at your craft, and while I’m not competing with you, I get intimidated and worried “my” Ben and Rey won’t be in my voice if I read before I write. Mostly intimidation, though! 
Specifically, to @geekmystic, @lilia-ula, @albastargazer, @pacificwanderer, @cosmo-gonika, @nite0wl29, @drnucleus, @corariley, @3todream3, @riaria84, @inexplicabletrousers, @alicestill, @alienandie, @miranda13ao3, @perrydowning, @mrsvioletwrites all who have great stories going that I’m dying to continue reading, that’s why I haven’t made it over to read/comment on your last chapters. You’re so good. Sometimes I read your chapters and despair that I can write anything half that good. An eighth that good. Hence, I’m avoiding the updates until I can get mine done. If anyone knows how you can write your own fiction while reading stories that are so good they intimidate you, please let me know the secret of how you do it!
To the best cheerleader ever, @grlie-girl, thanks for being you. You always put things in perspective, and you are the best at making people feel hopeful and worthwhile. Also to @juuls who has given me feedback about writing as well as personal support when I’ve needed it, thank you! 
And my amazing @belovedunderwing who got me interested in writing and reading on AO3 in the first place and is always there for me, and @terapid, whose stories and skill with words just awes me - you probably won’t see this note, but know that I saved ALL your tips you gave me, plus I’m so grateful you helped me learn the ropes on Tumblr last year and pointed me in the direction of other writers I should read and seek help from. You are masterful at setting a tone in a story, and you have no idea how much I admire your work and am grateful for your friendship.
*Why am I doing an Oscar acceptance speech above? I just started thanking my friends randomly, but it was overdue, so screw it. If they can add a “popular move” category, I can make a speech thanking friends for supporting me writing fanfiction. I’m making that a #Pandora’s rule!
I just procrastinated MORE writing this note! But I wanted to check in and explain why I’m not doing my lists or reading or posting etc. Here’s some good writing juju for ALL of us who are trying to focus this weekend on writing. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the chapters wrote themselves? Feel free to conjure up some magic spells, prayers, good intentions etc and send them my way and your fellow writers’ way! I love y’all - you have no idea how much!
As my good friend Wissixwe ( @thereisnocureforthis) said on AO3 when I started again, “It will be fun, it will be misery!” SO TRUE! 
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pandoraspocksao3 · 8 years ago
Hello, Reylo, Phantom, and all fellow fanfic writers!!! Shoutout to the community from a Newbie!
Hi All!
I’m very new to Tumblr, but thanks to a kind author’s help (thank you so much, @terapid!), I found my way over here and am trying to find my Reylo and Phantom family over here from Archive of Our Own! I’ve been reading there for over a year but just started my first story. There’s no “writer’s forum” there (although there should be), so I’ve been lucky enough to make some friends I can email with to navigate the writing and posting process and get feedback. So many awesome people, and now there’s Tumblr! 
I just wanted to say it’s amazing to see all the incredible fan art, the stories, the feedback, and the humor on here. I love finding “my peeps” and being among people who love Star Wars and who love reading and creating as much as I do. I love all the lists of great stories I haven’t discovered yet and authors who haven’t been on my radar yet. 
So have a wonderful Saturday and keep writing, reading, and dreaming! 
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